- Select a segment index
- Left click and drag to draw a contour
- Segmentation contours are closed automatically if the mouse button is released before joining the start and end points
- After drawing two contours that overlap for the same segment index they will:
- be merged if the first point of the second contour is inside the first contour
- be subtracted if the first point of the second contour is outside the first contour
- Hold "shift" and draw a second contour inside the first contour to create a hole
- You can release the "shift" right after adding the first point.
- Left click and drag on the line of an existing contour or hole to edit them
- Drag the line and a preview of the edit will be displayed. Release the mouse to complete the edit.You can cross the original contour multiple times in one drag to do a complicated edit in one movement.
- Show/hide all or only current segment clicking on the respective buttons on the toolbar
- Use the sliders to change the contour style before or after drawing contours