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In Cornerstone3DTools, we have decoupled the concept of a Segmentation from a Segmentation Representation. This means that from one Segmentation we can create multiple Segmentation Representations. For instance, a Segmentation Representation of a 3D Labelmap, can be created from a Segmentation data, and a Segmentation Representation of a Contour (not supported yet) can be created from the same Segmentation data. This way we have decouple the presentational aspect of a Segmentation from the underlying data.


Similar relationship structure has been adapted in popular medical imaging softwares such as 3D Slicer with the addition of polymorph segmentation.


Segmentation related functions and classes are available in the segmentation module.

import { segmentation } from '@cornerstonejs/tools';

// segmentation state holding all segmentations and their toolGroup specific representations

// active segmentation methods (set/get)

// locking for a segment index (set/get)

// segment index manipulations (set/get)

Let's start by looking deeper into each of these methods.