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Annotation Groups

In order to indicate that annotations are related to each other, there is an AnnotationGroup class that can be used to group annotations. Currrently, the grouping is very basic and isn't saved/restored automatically within the adapters. The requirements for enhanced grouping are still being gathered, but the basic capability is there to use. Annotations can be added to a group, and navigated between them by finding the next/previous annotation.

Creating a new group

To create a new annotation group, just create an instance of AnnotationGroup.

Adding an annotation to a group

Annotations can automatically be added to a group if the group is active, and has had the addListeners method called on it. Alternatively, they can be added manually by calling the add method on the annotation group.

For example:

const group = new cornerstoneTools.annotation.AnnotationGroup();

Setting visibility of annotations

Annotations can be shown/hidden by calling the setVisibility method on the annotation group. This takes an optional second parameter which will prevent hiding for any filtered elements (those where the filter function returns false). There is a default filter function provided that excludes any members of the current group which are visible because of visibility flags in the group. This allows overlapping groups to be used, with the annotations only being hidden when all annotations groups are not visible.

// Toggle visibility of group members only.
// Need the other information to fire events
group.setVisibility(!group.isVisible, { viewportId, renderingEngineId });