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Function: renderToCanvasGPU()

renderToCanvasGPU(canvas, imageOrVolume, modality, renderingEngineId, viewportOptions): Promise<CanvasLoadPosition>

Renders an cornerstone image to a Canvas. This method will handle creation of a temporary enabledElement, setting the imageId, and rendering the image via a StackViewport, copying the canvas drawing to the given canvas Element, and disabling the created temporary element. SuppressEvents argument is used to prevent events from firing during the render process (e.g. during a series of renders to a thumbnail image).


canvas: HTMLCanvasElement

Canvas element to render to

imageOrVolume: IImage | ImageVolumeProps

The image to render

modality: any = undefined

[Default = undefined] The modality of the image

renderingEngineId: string = '_thumbnails'

viewportOptions: ViewportInputOptions & object = ...



  • A promise that resolves when the image has been rendered with the imageId


const canvas = document.getElementById('myCanvas')

renderToCanvasGPU(canvas, image)

Defined in
