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Function: getEnabledElement()

getEnabledElement(element): IEnabledElement | undefined

A convenience method to find an EnabledElement given a reference to its associated element. Commonly used in code that's handling a custom event emitted by this library.


element: HTMLDivElement

a reference to an EnabledElement/Viewport's div element


IEnabledElement | undefined

the associated EnabledElement, or undefined if no matching EnabledElement can be found


Using the renderingEngine to find the enabled element:

const element = getRenderingEngine(renderingEngineId)

const enabledElement = getEnabledElement(element)

Using a cornerstone event's "element"

// Our "cornerstone events" contain the source element, which is
// raised on the viewport's div element
const { element } = evt.detail
const enabledElement = getEnabledElement(element)

Defined in
